I was hoping that the newspaper archive would be good and that I might stumble on an obit or document that would help me.
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They hardly have anything in their collection that is not available for free through the Irish Government Site Irishgenealogy.ie run by the State of Ireland and Family Search, Roots etc. The only way I could search was to leave one window open and keep going back to it to weed through all the un necessary hits. It took forever to search for anything even remotely relevant to my actual search terms and unlike US and other Ireland and UK sites, the search engine brings up a billion unwanted things and there was no way to filter them out. In a year on the sit I did not find one single document, or useful thing. They would not give me my money back, nor would they credit it towards a future membership when the site was better organized and actually hopefully gets more records The newspaper collection was paltry.

They refused to refund my money and the terms were very misleading, as was the amount of things in the collecting.

We're talking 10 minutes into paying for the subscription. It's extremely expensive and I immediately noticed on joining and having full access that it would not be of any use to me.